What are Architectural Styles?

The cloud is changing how applications are designed. Instead of legacy applications today they are decomposed into smaller, decentralized services. These services communicate through APIs or by using asynchronous messaging or eventing. Applications scale horizontally, adding new instances as demand requires. However this bring new challenges. Application state is distributed. Operations are done in parallel and asynchronously. Applications must be resilient when failures occur. Deployments must be automated and predictable. Monitoring and telemetry are critical for gaining insight into the system. This article outlines architectural styles (based on Azure best practices) commonly utilised along with some high-level considerations for their use.


is a traditional architecture for enterprise applications. Dependencies are managed by dividing the application into layers that perform logical functions, such as presentation, business logic, and data access. A layer can only call into layers that sit below it. However, this horizontal layering can be a liability. It can be hard to introduce changes in one part of the application without touching the rest of the application. That makes frequent updates a challenge, limiting how quickly new features can be added.

N-tier is a natural fit for migrating existing applications that already use a layered architecture. For that reason, N-tier is most often seen in infrastructure as a service (IaaS) solutions, or application that use a mix of IaaS and managed services.


In this style, the application has a web front end that handles HTTP requests and a back-end worker that performs CPU-intensive tasks or long-running operations. The front end communicates to the worker through an asynchronous message queue.

Web-queue-worker is suitable for relatively simple domains with some resource-intensive tasks. Like N-tier, the architecture is easy to understand. The use of managed services simplifies deployment and operations. But with complex domains, it can be hard to manage dependencies. The front end and the worker can easily become large, monolithic components that are hard to maintain and update. As with N-tier, this can reduce the frequency of updates and limit innovation.


Microservices application are composed of many small, independent services. Each service implements a single business capability. Services are loosely coupled, communicating through API contracts.

Each service can be built by a small, focused development team. Individual services can be deployed without a lot of coordination between teams, which encourages frequent updates. A microservice architecture is more complex to build and manage than either N-tier or web-queue-worker. It requires a mature development and DevOps culture. But done right, this style can lead to higher release velocity, faster innovation, and a more resilient architecture.

Event-driven architecture

use a publish-subscribe (pub-sub) model, where producers publish events, and consumers subscribe to them. The producers are independent from the consumers, and consumers are independent from each other.

Consider an event-driven architecture for applications that ingest and process a large volume of data with very low latency, such as IoT solutions. The style is also useful when different subsystems must perform different types of processing on the same event data.

Big Data, Big Compute

are specialized architecture styles for workloads that fit certain specific profiles. Big data divides a very large dataset into chunks, performing parallel processing across the entire set, for analysis and reporting. Big compute, also called high-performance computing (HPC), makes parallel computations across a large number (thousands) of cores. Domains include simulations, modeling, and 3-D rendering.

Architecture styles as constraints

An architecture style places constraints on the design, including the set of elements that can appear and the allowed relationships between those elements. Constraints guide the “shape” of an architecture by restricting the universe of choices. When an architecture conforms to the constraints of a particular style, certain desirable properties emerge.

For example, the constraints in microservices include:

  • A service represents a single responsibility.
  • Every service is independent of the others.
  • Data is private to the service that owns it. Services do not share data.

By adhering to these constraints, what emerges is a system where services can be deployed independently, faults are isolated, frequent updates are possible, and it’s easy to introduce new technologies into the application.

Before choosing an architecture style, make sure that you understand the underlying principles and constraints of that style. Otherwise, you can end up with a design that conforms to the style at a superficial level, but does not achieve the full potential of that style. It’s also important to be pragmatic. Sometimes it’s better to relax a constraint, rather than insist on architectural purity.

The following table summarizes how each style manages dependencies, and the types of domain that are best suited for each.

Architecture styleDependency managementDomain type
N-tierHorizontal tiers divided by subnetTraditional business domain. Frequency of updates is low.
Web-Queue-WorkerFront and backend jobs, decoupled by async messaging.Relatively simple domain with some resource intensive tasks.
MicroservicesVertically (functionally) decomposed services that call each other through APIs.Complicated domain. Frequent updates.
Event-driven architecture.Producer/consumer. Independent view per sub-system.IoT and real-time systems
Big dataDivide a huge dataset into small chunks. Parallel processing on local datasets.Batch and real-time data analysis. Predictive analysis using ML.
Big computeData allocation to thousands of cores.Compute intensive domains such as simulation.

Consider challenges and benefits

Constraints also create challenges, so it’s important to understand the trade-offs when adopting any of these styles. Do the benefits of the architecture style outweigh the challenges, for this subdomain and bounded context.

Here are some of the types of challenges to consider when selecting an architecture style:

  • Complexity. Is the complexity of the architecture justified for your domain? Conversely, is the style too simplistic for your domain? In that case, you risk ending up with a “big ball of mud“, because the architecture does not help you to manage dependencies cleanly.
  • Asynchronous messaging and eventual consistency. Asynchronous messaging can be used to decouple services, and increase reliability (because messages can be retried) and scalability. However, this also creates challenges in handling eventual consistency, as well as the possibility of duplicate messages.
  • Inter-service communication. As you decompose an application into separate services, there is a risk that communication between services will cause unacceptable latency or create network congestion (for example, in a microservices architecture).
  • Manageability. How hard is it to manage the application, monitor, deploy updates, and so on?

Design Principles

Follow these design principles to make your application more scalable, resilient, and manageable.

  • Design for self healing. In a distributed system, failures happen. Design your application to be self healing when failures occur.
  • Make all things redundant. Build redundancy into your application, to avoid having single points of failure.
  • Minimize coordination. Minimize coordination between application services to achieve scalability.
  • Design to scale out. Design your application so that it can scale horizontally, adding or removing new instances as demand requires.
  • Partition around limits. Use partitioning to work around database, network, and compute limits.
  • Design for operations. Design your application so that the operations team has the tools they need.
  • Use managed services. When possible, use platform as a service (PaaS) rather than infrastructure as a service (IaaS).
  • Use the best data store for the job. Pick the storage technology that is the best fit for your data and how it will be used.
  • Design for evolution. All successful applications change over time. An evolutionary design is key for continuous innovation.
  • Build for the needs of business. Every design decision must be justified by a business requirement

Most Architecture frameworks have up to five pillars of architecture excellence which should be assessed for each solution: Cost, DevOps, Resiliency, Scalability, and Security


CostManaging costs to maximize the value delivered.
DevOpsOperations processes that keep a system running in production.
ResiliencyThe ability of a system to recover from failures and continue to function.
ScalabilityThe ability of a system to adapt to changes in load.
SecurityProtecting applications and data from threats.


When you are designing a cloud solution, focus on generating incremental value early. Apply the principles of Build-Measure-Learn, to accelerate your time to market while avoiding capital-intensive solutions. Use the pay-as-you-go strategy for your architecture, and invest in scaling out, rather than delivering a large investment first version. Consider opportunity costs in your architecture, and the balance between first mover advantage versus “fast follow”. Use the cost calculators to estimate the initial cost and operational costs. Finally, establish policies, budgets, and controls that set cost limits for your solution.


This pillar covers the operations processes that keep an application running in production.

Deployments must be reliable and predictable. They should be automated to reduce the chance of human error. They should be a fast and routine process, so they don’t slow down the release of new features or bug fixes. Equally important, you must be able to quickly roll back or roll forward if an update has problems.

Monitoring and diagnostics are crucial. Cloud applications run in a remote data-center where you do not have full control of the infrastructure or, in some cases, the operating system. In a large application, it’s not practical to log into VMs to troubleshoot an issue or sift through log files. With PaaS services, there may not even be a dedicated VM to log into. Monitoring and diagnostics give insight into the system, so that you know when and where failures occur. All systems must be observable. Use a common and consistent logging schema that lets you correlate events across systems.

The monitoring and diagnostics process has several distinct phases:

  • Instrumentation. Generating the raw data, from application logs, web server logs, diagnostics built into the Azure platform, and other sources.
  • Collection and storage. Consolidating the data into one place.
  • Analysis and diagnosis. To troubleshoot issues and see the overall health.
  • Visualization and alerts. Using telemetry data to spot trends or alert the operations team.


Resiliency is the ability of the system to recover from failures and continue to function. The goal of resiliency is to return the application to a fully functioning state after a failure occurs. Resiliency is closely related to availability.

In traditional application development, there has been a focus on increasing the mean time between failures (MTBF). Effort was spent trying to prevent the system from failing. In cloud computing, a different mindset is required, due to several factors:

  • Distributed systems are complex, and a failure at one point can potentially cascade throughout the system.
  • Costs for cloud environments are kept low through the use of commodity hardware, so occasional hardware failures must be expected.
  • Applications often depend on external services, which may become temporarily unavailable or throttle high-volume users.
  • Today’s users expect an application to be available 24/7 without ever going offline.

All of these factors mean that cloud applications must be designed to expect occasional failures and recover from them. Azure has many resiliency features already built into the platform. For example:

  • Azure Storage, SQL Database, and Cosmos DB all provide built-in data replication, both within a region and across regions.
  • Azure managed disks are automatically placed in different storage scale units to limit the effects of hardware failures.
  • VMs in an availability set are spread across several fault domains. A fault domain is a group of VMs that share a common power source and network switch. Spreading VMs across fault domains limits the impact of physical hardware failures, network outages, or power interruptions.

That said, you still need to build resiliency into your application. Resiliency strategies can be applied at all levels of the architecture. Some mitigations are more tactical in nature — for example, retrying a remote call after a transient network failure. Other mitigations are more strategic, such as failing over the entire application to a secondary region. Tactical mitigations can make a big difference. While it’s rare for an entire region to experience a disruption, transient problems such as network congestion are more common — so target these first. Having the right monitoring and diagnostics is also important, both to detect failures when they happen, and to find the root causes.

When designing an application to be resilient, you must understand your availability requirements. How much downtime is acceptable? This is partly a function of cost. How much will potential downtime cost your business? How much should you invest in making the application highly available?


Scalability is the ability of a system to handle increased load. There are two main ways that an application can scale. Vertical scaling (scaling up) means increasing the capacity of a resource, for example by using a larger VM size. Horizontal scaling (scaling out) is adding new instances of a resource, such as VMs or database replicas.

Horizontal scaling has significant advantages over vertical scaling:

  • True cloud scale. Applications can be designed to run on hundreds or even thousands of nodes, reaching scales that are not possible on a single node.
  • Horizontal scale is elastic. You can add more instances if load increases, or remove them during quieter periods.
  • Scaling out can be triggered automatically, either on a schedule or in response to changes in load.
  • Scaling out may be cheaper than scaling up. Running several small VMs can cost less than a single large VM.
  • Horizontal scaling can also improve resiliency, by adding redundancy. If an instance goes down, the application keeps running.

An advantage of vertical scaling is that you can do it without making any changes to the application. But at some point you’ll hit a limit, where you can’t scale any up any more. At that point, any further scaling must be horizontal.

Horizontal scale must be designed into the system. For example, you can scale out VMs by placing them behind a load balancer. But each VM in the pool must be able to handle any client request, so the application must be stateless or store state externally (say, in a distributed cache). Managed PaaS services often have horizontal scaling and autoscaling built in. The ease of scaling these services is a major advantage of using PaaS services.

Just adding more instances doesn’t mean an application will scale, however. It might simply push the bottleneck somewhere else. For example, if you scale a web front end to handle more client requests, that might trigger lock contentions in the database. You would then need to consider additional measures, such as optimistic concurrency or data partitioning, to enable more throughput to the database.

Always conduct performance and load testing to find these potential bottlenecks. The stateful parts of a system, such as databases, are the most common cause of bottlenecks, and require careful design to scale horizontally. Resolving one bottleneck may reveal other bottlenecks elsewhere.


Think about security throughout the entire lifecycle of an application, from design and implementation to deployment and operations. The Azure platform provides protections against a variety of threats, such as network intrusion and DDoS attacks. But you still need to build security into your application and into your DevOps processes.

Here are some broad security areas to consider.

Identity management

Consider using a cloud Active Directory (eg. Azure AD) to authenticate and authorise users. Azure AD is a fully managed identity and access management service. You can use it to create domains that exist purely in the cloud or integrate with your on-premises Active Directory identities.

Protecting your infrastructure

Use role-based access control (RBAC) to grant users within your organization the correct permissions to resources. Grant access by assigning RBAC role to users or groups at a certain scope. The scope can be a subscription, a resource group, or a single resource. Audit all changes to infrastructure.

Application security

In general, the security best practices for application development still apply in the cloud. These include things like using SSL everywhere, protecting against CSRF and XSS attacks, preventing SQL injection attacks, and so on.

Cloud applications often use managed services that have access keys. Never check these into source control.

Data sovereignty and encryption

Make sure that your data remains in the correct geopolitical zone. Azure’s geo-replicated storage uses the concept of a paired region in the same geopolitical region.

Use Key Vault to safeguard cryptographic keys and secrets. By using Key Vault, you can encrypt keys and secrets by using keys that are protected by hardware security modules (HSMs). Many Azure storage and DB services support data encryption at rest, including Azure storage, SQL DB, Synapse Analytics and Cosmos DB